Wednesday, March 15, 2006

we are nowhere

we are nowhere.

yet we are everywhere.

when i was a teenager i would see us, me, them, there in the visiting room, forlorn and uncomfortable, sad and exhausted in our hearts. but when I am looking online, out into cyberspace for all of the boys and girls tunred men and women who waited for endless hours to spend 360 minutes seeing their daddies, i see no one. is no one talking? is no one telling? did no one make it out. except me?


Blogger the prisoner's wife said...

you are everywhere
but no one is talking

9:34 AM  
Blogger upwords said...

They are everywhere but nowhere. In endless night, it is sometimes hard to see the words. In endless flight, it is sometimes hard to hear them.

Beat the drum. Throw your head back and scream.

They will come.

9:39 AM  

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